

8 Dec
8 Dec


Things of the abstract, the concrete and some other premises.

by Pedro Barbosa
8th December, Friday


Lucubrations is a term that refers to intellectual and/or manual work in hours that should be dedicated to rest, after work, nighttime and/or with artificial light. It is a prolonged study and a reflection based on hypothetical or imaginary data. 

Conjecture, speculate and digress. It seems that this term was made on purpose to describe the context in which this project was developed. A project that I describe as bipolar, not that my position with it varies between extreme psychological states (even sometimes seeming so), but despite my initial simple motivation (create an abstract object and faithfully represent it), its development revealed concentration in opposite positions. From sculpture o  painting; from abstract to concrete; from the immediate to the methodical; from reality to illusion. 

Performances by Jejuno and Mantas.

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